
सिंगापुर जू के जैसा बनेगा वनविहार

भोपाल। भोपालवासियों को वन्य प्राणियों के और करीब आने की खुशखबरी मिली है। भोपाल वन विहार नेशनल पार्क को सिंगापुर जू की तर्ज पर विकसित किया जाएगा। यहां वन्यप्राणी संरक्षण, ब्रीडिंग, नाइट सफारी, जंगल ब्रेकफास्ट  जैसी तमाम सुविधाएं उपलब्ध कराई जाएंगी, जो सिंगापुर जू में हैं। 

केंद्रीय चिडिय़ाघर प्राधिकरण ने इसकी स्वीकृति दे दी है। सिंगापुर चिडिय़ाघर में वन्य प्राणियों के बाड़े कांच की दीवार से घिरे हैं। वे अपने बाड़े में प्राकृतिक तौर से रहते हैं। लोग उन्हें कांच की दीवार के पास खड़े होकर लंबे समय तक उनकी गतिविधियां देखते हैं।

About Singapore Joo

Joo Chiat is the epitome of Singapore 's multi-culturalism. Malay, Chinese, Indians, Eurasians and expatriates live and shop side by side, as do people of every income group. Joo Chiat bustles with activity both in the daytime and in the night. You can find shops, eateries, offices and residential homes all around the area.


Before the 1840s, Joo Chiat was a Malay fishing village. In the 1920s and 30s, Chinese immigrants began to move from Telok Ayer to Joo Chiat, creating another enclave of their own. This resulted in a confluence of cultures, intensified because of the nearby Katong district's Eurasian community.

Joo Chiat today is a picture of old Singapore. Most of the structures in Joo Chiat were built during the prewar era, comprising mainly shop-houses, five-foot ways and narrow corridors and alleys. The area is, as it was under British rule, still divided into unofficial quarters. The part of Joo Chiat that is closer to Geylang Serai is occupied primarily by Malay shops and eateries; the part closer to Marine Parade is inhabited mostly by Chinese.

Residential Areas

The residential areas in Joo Chiat comprise mostly landed property, although there are a few private apartment buildings in the area. These houses are woven into the myriad of streets and shop-houses, so it is difficult to catch a glimpse of them from the main roads. A few years ago, the residents of Joo Chiat made a complaint to the police about the disturbance that was caused by the thriving nightlife in the area.

Where To Go

Shopping in Joo Chiat is an exhilarating experience because the stalls in the area trade in products that are rare in modern Singapore. In Joo Chiat you can find traditional spices, herbs, carpets and religious artifacts. Here are some highlights in Joo Chiat:

Joo Chiat Complex 

This shopping centre is patronized mainly by the Malay-Muslim community in the east of Singapore. Shops in this complex sell rare Malay and Indonesian spices, Persian carpets and traditional Malay garments such as the baju kurung and baju kebaya. There are also plenty of shops selling table cloth, curtains and other household items.


There are many pubs in Joo Chiat. Most of them are karaoke, or KTV pubs, where you can sing, drink or engage in extra services to satisfy your bodily needs.


Joo Chiat is flooded with budget hotels. For backpackers, you can stay at Betel Box Backpacker's Hostel. Those who prefer to stay in hotels can pop into any one of them lining the streets of Joo Chiat, such as a branch of Hotel 81 Singapore. These hotels also allow you to choose between an overnight stay or a two-hour stay, in case you are on, as they say, “transit”.
Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple

Built in the 1850s, this Hindu temple began as a small shelter on Ceylon Road, Joo Chiat. It still stands today after much renovation. The temple is designed according to localized South Indian architecture and its façade is lined with Hindu deities.

Other Informations in Joo Chiat: Bustling with Hotels, Bars, Houses and Spices
Singapore Hotels : Hotels in Joo Chiat (3)

Market & Food Centers : Market (1)
Shopping Malls : Shopping Malls (4)
Supermarkets : Supermarkets (2)
Educational Institutions : Primary Schools (2), Secondary Schools (2), Tertiary Institution (1) Kindergartens (2)
Restaurants : Reviewed Restaurants (3)

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