श्रमब्यूरो भारत सरकार में नौकरियां

Organization: Labour Bureau
Position: Investigator
Job Location: Chandigarh,India

Jobs Details: Labour Bureau Invited Application through Advertisement for filling up the Post of 85 Investigator for Job Location Chandigarh,India. Interested and Eligible Candidate should Apply through prescribed application form before Apply before 10 days of Publishing of the Advertisement in Newspapers.. All Information about Position educational qualifications, age limit, selection and application process are given below.

1. Investigator
Qualifications: Graduation Degree with Economics/Statistics/Mathematics as one subject or B.Com. Retired Government employees from State Government/Government of India from similar posts in Grade pay of Rs. 4200 or equivalent would also be eligible for this post.
Desirable : Experience in field survey of primary data collection work in a Government Organization.
No of Post: 85 Posts.
Age Limit: 21 to 65 Years.
Pay Scale: Rs.16500/- Per Month.

Selection Procedure: Selection will be done on the basis of candidates’ performance in the written Test and Personal Interview.

Apply Mode: Online

Important Date : 
Application Submission Last Date: 10 days of Publishing of the Advertisement in Newspapers

How to Apply: Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online in the prescribed format on http://www.lbchd.in within 10 days of publishing of the advertisement in newspapers. Applications received after stipulated period of 10 days will not be entertained.

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