माननीय महोदय, यहां भी आईए, आपको भोपाली होने में शर्म महसूस होगी

भोपाल। हमारी इस शहर को मेट्रोसिटी बनाने जा रही है। सपना दिखाया जा रहा है कि कुछ ही दिनों बाद यहां पर मेट्रो ट्रेन दौड़ती नजर आएंगी। व्हीआईपी रोड सहित चार इमली और अरेरा कालोनी के आसपास की सड़कें देखें तो लगता है कि यह सपना कोई बड़ी बात नहीं है, लेकिन जरा इन सड़कों पर भी गौर कीजिए, आपको अपने भोपाली होने पर शर्म महसूस होगी। अपने वोट का और आज तक चुकाए टैक्स का हिसाब मांग लेने का दिल करेगा।

कुछ ऐसी ही पी​ड़ा के चलते हमारे एक जागरुक पाठक ने हमें यह ईमेल किया है, आप भी पढ़िए क्या कुछ लिखा है इसमें :-

1-The connecting main Road between, Bhanpur to Chola Khedapati Hanuman Mandir is in worst Condition now you cant drive safly due to many pits, dents it needs concreating if they want to keep the Cement Godowns and transportation of cement loaded trucks continue on this road, a complete renewal required.

2-lal ghati down slope from VIP guest house to Lalghati square has many deep pits developed, I had Lost my bullets shock absorvers and saved by the grace of God by hitting to the divider, remember its an Important road connected to Collectorate,

3-karond square to Central Jail New and further upto Aasaram tiraha this Road had not made for the Last three yrs only partial repairs done on the Visits of VIP's

4- Whole Berasiya rd is now in a very bad condition nobody is caring for this road.

5- as the Road from Aasaram tiraha to Karond square is 5.8 km long it is not a Highway now But still hevy Trucks using this road no Police check for this they only check for Helmates occasionally,whenever presurised by mediya or uper seats or they need pocket money.

6-   Old air port square to Aasaram tiraha and upto Truba college, in this patch Road needs,complete renewal and street lights maintanance white strips on roads limits and red illuminating road guides MANY ACCIDENTS HAPPENED IN LAST 2 YEARS,TRUCKS MUST BE CONTOLLED TO GO FROM THIS ROAD.AIR POLLUTION IS VERY HIGH IN THIS WHOLE AREA STATED IN DIFF POINTS.

The Bhanpur Over Bridge should be inspected by the Road Construction Authoritis & Minister it is in worst condition MS rods (Sariya) visible at many places a big havvock is possible if ignored

I 'll appriciate if you followed and checked my complaints and give pressure to the admins ,waiting for your response to give you many more OBSERVATIONS REGARDING OUR CITY,with Photographs.

(plz dont disclose my name or identity as I am in services)

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