
भोपाल समाचार का the Gadget Fair

भोपाल। ईवेंट कंपनी KRISHNA-THE PLANNER द्वारा भोपाल समाचार डॉट कॉम की मीडिया पार्टनरशिपिंग में the Gadget Fair का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। आयोजक krishan G. Chawde का कहना है कि भोपाल में यह अपनी तरह का एकमात्र आयोजन है जो टीनएजर्स को ध्यान में रखकर प्लान किया गया है। इस Exhibition में कई बड़े ब्रांड्स शामिल होने जा रहे हैं। 

ये रही पूरी जानकारी 

Date : 10th , 11th , 12th July,  
Venue: C 21 Mall Hoshangabad road Bhopal
Exhibition:11:00 am, Show: 8:00 pm

The Event Organized by KTP and held at C21 Mall Hoshangabad road Bhopal, the Gadget Fair presents all kinds of electronics products and services such as audio-visual products, branded electronics, eco-friendly products, i-World, packaging & design, navigation systems, new inventions, telecommunications products.

With interactive features and zones throughout, the show is a fun day out for all the family! Have a read through just some of the features that have been confirmed so far. More to be announced, so keep checking back. Want to keep up to date with the latest from the show?

A.Day First   :Singing Idol
B.Day Second  :Dancing Revolution
C.Day Third   :Active Zone

thank you
krishan G. Chawde

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