सेंट्रल रेलवे: टिकट कलेक्टर, खलासी, क्लर्क सहित कई रिक्त पदों पर नौकरी के अवसर | JOB

सेंट्रल रेलवे ने कुल 1047 रिक्त पदों पर भर्ती के लिए विज्ञापन जारी कर दिया है। रिक्त पदों में Ticket Collector, Khalasi, Commercial Clerk महत्वपूर्ण हैं। इसके अलावा भी कई रिक्त पद हैं। आवेदन की लास्ट डेट 30 नवम्बर 2018 तय की गई है। सभी पद मुंबई के लिए हैं। 

Maharashtra State Rural Livelihoods Mission Invited Application through Advertisement for filling up the  Post of 1047 Ticket Collector, Khalasi , Commercial Clerk, Multiple Vacancy for Job Location Mumbai,Maharashtra,India. Interested and Eligible Candidate should Apply through prescribed application form before last Date 30 November  2018. All Information about Position educational  qualifications, age limit, selection and application process are given below.
Central Railway
1047 Ticket Collector, Khalasi , Commercial Clerk, Multiple Vacancy

1. Ticket Collector/ टिकट कलेक्टर 

Qualifications: 10TH, 12TH
No of Post: 89 Posts.
Age Limit: Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years.

2. Commercial Clerk/ कॉमर्शियल क्लर्क 

Qualifications: Any Graduate 
No of Post: 73 Posts.
Age Limit:  Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years.

3. Junior Engineer/ जूनियर इंजीनियर 

Qualifications: Diploma
No of Post: 12 Posts.
Age Limit:  Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years
4. Clerical Staff/क्लरिक्ल स्टाफ 
Qualifications: Any Graduate 
No of Post: 01 Posts.
Age Limit:  Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years

5. Stenographer/ स्टेनोग्राफर 
Qualifications: 10th,12th Pass 
No of Post: 15 Posts.
Age Limit:  Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years

6. Artisan/आर्टिसन 

Qualifications: 10th.
No of Post: 181 Posts. 
Age Limit:  Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years

7. Technician/टेक्नीशियन 

Qualifications: ITI, Diploma
No of Post: 23 Posts. 
Age Limit:  Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years

8. Supervisor/सुपरवाईज़र 

Qualifications: Any Graduate
No of Post: 19 Posts. 
Age Limit:  Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years

9. Khalasi/खालसी 

Qualifications: Not Pursuing Graduation
No of Post: 152 Posts. 
Age Limit:  Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years

10. Khalasi/खालसी 
Qualifications: 10th.
No of Post: 19 Posts. 
Age Limit:  Maximum upper age limit for re-engagement on 01.12.2019 is 65 years

Selection Procedure/चयन प्रक्रिया 

Selection will be done on the basis of candidates’ performance in the written Test and Personal Interview.

Important Dates/ महत्वपूर्ण तारीख 

Application Submission Closing Date: 30-11-2018

How to Apply: 
Interested and Eligible Candidates should send their Applications in the prescribed format along with all required document to P/General Section of this office on or before 30.11.18.

Official Website

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