
25 हजार रुपए का पेट्रोल फ्री जीतने का चांस, इंडियन ऑयल की प्रतियोगिता | I Love IndianOil’ Contest

इस महंगाई के दौर में यदि 25 हजार रुपए का पेट्रोल फ्री मिल जाए तो सोचिए कितना अच्छा लगेगा। कुल लोगों का तो पूरा साल ही फ्री में गुजर जाएगा। देश की सबसे बड़ी तेल मार्केटिंग कंपनी इंडियन ऑयल यह चांस दे रही है। कंपनी ने इसके लिए एक प्रतियोगिता शुरू की है, जिसके तहत पहला इनाम जीतने वाले 05 लोगों को 25 हजार रुपये का पेट्रोल इनाम में देगी। 

2000 से लेकर 10000 तक के इनाम भी हैं
इस प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन 3 से 9 जनवरी के बीच किया जाएगा। प्रतियोगियों को सभी सवालों के जवाब #ILoveIndianOil के साथ देने होंगे। सवालों के मिले जवाब के आधार पर कंपनी इनाम देगी। दूसरे स्थान पर आने वाले 10 लोगों को 10 हजार रुपये का पेट्रोल/डीजल, तीसरे स्थान पर आने वाले 30 लोगों को 5 हजार रुपये का पेट्रोल/डीजल और कंसोलेशन इनाम जीतने वालों को 2000 हजार रुपये का पेट्रोल जीतने का मौका मिलेगा।यह प्रतियोगिता केवल भारतीय नागरिकों के लिए उपलब्ध है। इनाम जीतने पर लोगों को अपना नाम, पता, ईमेल आईडी और फोन नंबर इंडियन ऑयल को देना होगा। लोगों को वाउचर्स दिए जाएंगे, जिसका इस्तेमाल वो पेट्रोल/डीजल खरीदने में कर सकेंगे। किसी भी प्रतियोगी को नगद राशि नहीं दी जाएगी। 

‘I Love IndianOil’ Contest – Terms & Conditions

1. ‘I Love IndianOil’ Contest is open for all the Indian Nationals who can win prizes, by sharing their testimonial in the form of video/picture/comment on the contest questions. 
2. By participating in the ‘I Love IndianOil’ contest, you fully agree and accept the IndianOil Standard Twitter and Facebook Competition Terms and Conditions as well as any individual terms and conditions of the specific competition.
3. IndianOil Twitter and Facebook competitions and giveaways are open to Indian residents, excluding employees of IndianOil India and employees of companies involved in the competition/prize draw and their associated, affiliated or subsidiary companies, their families, agents, or anyone connected with the competition/prize draw.
4. To enter Facebook/Twitter giveaways, entrants must have access to the internet and have a Facebook/Twitter account. Entrants must 'like' @IndianOilCorpLimited to be eligible for IndianOil Facebook competitions and 'follow' @IndianOilCorp to be eligible for Twitter competitions.
5. The contest will take place from 3rd January to 9th January 2019.
6. Answers/entries received on the contest questions will be considered as a valid contest entry.
7. All answers should be replied using #ILoveIndianOil
8. Based on the answers given, lucky winners will be chosen platform wise. 
Total 5 lac worth of  fuel vouchers combining Facebook & twitter.
Prizes are given below. 
a. First Prize– 5 Nos – Rs 25000 fuel vouchers- each
b. Second Prize– 10 Nos – Rs 10000 fuel vouchers- each
c. Third Prize – 30 Nos – Rs 5000 fuel vouchers- each
d. Consolation Prize– 60 Nos – Rs 2000 fuel vouchers- each
9. Entries will only be valid if the entry is completed correctly in accordance with the specific competition Terms and Conditions.
10. Competition closes when stated for the individual giveaway. Entries received after closure will not be counted.

11. The winner/s will be notified first through a private message, and then the winner's name (at IndianOil's absolute and sole discretion) will be announced on the IndianOil’s Facebook page and/or Twitter account.
12. In order to receive the prizes, the winners are required to provide IndianOil with their full name, address, email and phone number.
13. All prizes are non-refundable and non-transferable.
14. No cash alternative will be offered for any prize.
15. Failure to acknowledge receipt of their win, or provide full name and address, e-mail and mobile number within 48 hours of receiving notice from IndianOil (or within claim period if specifically stated) will invalidate the winner.
16. IndianOil will not be liable for any delays in the receipt of entries and IndianOil does not accept responsibility for entries which are not received or delivered.
17. In the event that IndianOil believes that an entry contravenes these Terms and Conditions, it reserves all rights to delete the entry at its absolute and sole discretion.
18. The selected Mobile Numbers would be contacted by our back-end operator for further processing. In case the mobile number has been changed/terminated/blocked/out of reach etc. IndianOil will not be held liable for not being able to communicate/handover prizes to the winners.
19. The selection process would be entirely at the discretion of IndianOil. No queries/clarifications/suggestions will be entertained on the modality of selection of the winners.
20. All statutory levies including taxes, duties, octroi etc. (if any), applicable on the prizes would have to be borne by the prize winners.

21. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that may be suffered as a result of participating in the offer or at the time of enjoying the prizes.
22.The decision of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. is final and binding and is non-contestable. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. reserves the right to withdraw and/or alter any of the terms and conditions of this offer at any time without prior notice. No correspondence would be entertained on this account.
23. IndianOil reserves the right to audit all claims/winning entries to ensure that the Terms and Conditions of the promotion have been met; and to request additional information along with supporting documents for any/all claims.
24. Apart from the entitlement to the prizes, the winner or his/her legal heirs will have no rights or claims against IndianOil or its partners.
25.  As a general rule no correspondence will be entered into. Any correspondence would be at the discretion of IndianOil.
26. The submission of false, incorrect, misleading or fraudulent documentation may result in disqualification from this promotion and from future IOCL promotions. The submission of false, misleading or fraudulent information may result in the claimant being subject to civil or criminal liability.
27. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mumbai.

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