SUNO BHOPAL HUM AA RAHE HAIN: MPPSC selected Assistant Professor @ Khula Khat

Himanshu Agrawal / | We are 2536 candidates, selected in MPPSC Assistant Professor Examination, held in June-July 2018. The results of the exam were declared in August and all the formalities regarding documents verification have been completed in the month of September. In between, due to code of conduct in MP assembly  election, our appointment letters were put on hold. 

In this recruitment out of 2536 selected candidates 1146 ( almost 45%) are guest faculties which possess experience of 10 to 20 years.After selection some of them left their previous job and now unemployed.

Now the new govt has been formed and the higher education minister has also taken his charge. We have requested CM, and Higher Education Minister to release our appointment letters.We also met MPs and MLAs of our area and give them memorandum regarding our appointment.
But we did not get any fix date or time frame.

The higher education of MP is not in very good condition, there are almost 6000 posts are vacant of asst prof. Even this exam has been  conducted after 25 years. The loan of world bank has also given on the condition that there should be 75% in position permanent faculty by FY 2018-19.

We have been tweeting, meeting representatives, asking for our appointment. But could not get positive response. FINALLY, WE DECIDED TO MAKE A PEACE FULL MARCH FROM CHINAR PARK TO CONGRESS OFFICE IN BHOPAL ON 16 JAN 2019 

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