Step-by-Step Procedure to Download SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018-19!

The admit card for the SSCCHSL 2018-19 will be released after the announcement of the official exam dates of CHSL exam. A candidate will not be allowed to appear for the SSC CHSL exam 2018-19 without the admit card. The successful completion of the registration process of SSC CHSL will be leading to the release of the admit card. Furthermore, SSC CHSL admit card 2018-19 will be releasing region-wise.

In order to download the SSC CHSL admit card 2018-19, you need to login to the official website of SSC through the official link of SSC. To log in, you need to have a valid registration number/ roll number and password/ date of birth. We are providing all the important details regarding the process of SSC CHSL admit card.

How to Download SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018-19?

Every year, SSC releases the official notification for SSC CHSL exam 2018-19 for the post of DEO, LDC/JSA & PS/SA. To fill the various posts in Government organization, this SSC CHSL competitive recruitment exam has been postponed. The exam date will soon be announced by the exam conducting authority on the official website of SSC.

The link for the admit card of the SSC CHSL exam 2018-19 will be activated for the candidates before 15 days of the official exams. The SSC will be going to release the admit card for only those candidates who have submitted the application form and exam fees in the right manner.

Below, you can check the process to download your SSC CHSL 2018-19 admit card. The steps are given as follows:

Step 1: By clicking on the official website link of SSC i.e., you can begin the process of downloading the SSC CHSL admit card 2018-19.

Step 2: After redirected to the homepage of the official website of SSC, click on the Admit Card tab.

Step 3: After that, you will be redirected to SSC CHSL Admit Card Region Wise link to view and download the SSC CHSL admit card. 

Step 4: You need to click on the appropriate link of the selected region of SSC CHSL 2018-19.

Step 5: After that, you will find a new page asking for the personal details like roll number/ registration number and date of birth/ password.

Step 6: Enter the details carefully and click on the ‘Continue to view your SSC CHSL  2018-19, Admit Card’ link.

Step 7: After checking the details in your admit card, you can download the SSC CPO 2018-19 admit card.

Note: In case you are unable to view your SSC CHSL 2018-19 Admit Card, you can go back to the previous page and re-enter all the details carefully. You need to keep the admit card of SSC CHSL safe for future reference. 

Admit card is one of the important documents which you need to carry at the time of the SSC CHSL exam. And you will be required to keep in mind some important information and guidelines as well.

Important Information on your SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018-19

The SSC CHSL Admit Card 2018-19 will have all the important information related to your personal details, exam details etc. These important details will be like:

     Candidate’s name
     Parent’s Name
     Exam date and timings
     Roll number
     Signature of exam authorities
     Respective SSC CHSL region
     SSC CGL 2018 Exam Date Tier 1
     Examination Controller Signature
     Examination Instructions

SSC CHSL 2018-19 Admit Card Region -Wise

The complete list of regions for the admit card of SSC CHSL 2018-19 has been provided below. You are advised to simply check all the regions that are in the list and download the admit card as per the chosen region. The various regions of SSC CHSL 2018-19 are as follows:

SSC CPO Region
Places Under the Regions
SSC Northern Region (NR)
Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttarakhand
SSC Southern Region (SR)
Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Andhra Pradesh
SSC Western Region (WR)
Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat
SSC Eastern Region (ER)
West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, Sikkim, A&N Island
SSC Central Region (CR)
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh
SSC North Western Region (NWR)
Haryana, Punjab, J & K, Himachal Pradesh
SSC North Eastern Region (NER)
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura
SSC Karnataka Region (KKR)
Karnataka, Kerala
SSC Madhya Pradesh Region (MPR)
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh.

We have provided all the important information regarding the process of downloading the SSC CHSL Admit card 2018-19. You can download the admit card by following the above-mentioned procedure. Read all the instructions carefully before entering the SSC CHSL exam centre. Now, it’s your turn to begin your preparation for the SSC CHSL exam by following the well-structured study plan and important guidelines in order to crack the SSC CHSL exam 2018-19 in the first attempt.

For more information or query or doubts related to SSC CHSL Admit Card, you can share your comment in the comment section below.

Don’t forget to downloadGradeupSSC CHSL preparation app. It provides free study notes, quizzes, mock test, previous year papers, and all the updates related to the exam.

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