GOV JOB: IIFM BHOPAL REQUIRED Special Project Associate

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF FOREST MANAGEMENT (An Autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change), Post Box No. 357, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal-462003 (M.P.) India Website:, Tel No. 0755 2775716, 2773799 required Contractual Appointment for Special Project Associate No. IIFM/PERSIA -69 (20)/2018-19 (13.09.2019)

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for one post of Special Project Associate (SPA) to work under IIFM project "Preparation of Integrated Wildlife Management Plan for Moher Sub - Basin, Northern Coalfields Limited, Singrauli Region, MP” on contract basis.
Name of Post: Special Project Associate (SPA)
Period of appointment: 08 months
Emoluments: Rs. 40,000/- p.m. (consolidated)

Qualification and Experience:

The candidate should have Post Graduate degree in Wildlife Science/Zoology/Botany/Environmental Science/Forestry/Natural Resource Management or Post Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management (PGDFM) M. Phil in Natural Resource Management with a minimum of two years of relevant experience.

Desirable Experience:

Experience in compilation and data analysis; writing technical reports or research papers. Good knowledge of MS Office/GIS application. Candidates having prior experience in working on EIA & similar projects shall be given preference.
Last date of receiving application: 20th September, 2019

Candidates fulfilling the above requirements may submit their detailed CV, containing a brief write-up on research work experience, by email ONLY to HR Section of IFM at with a copy to on or before 20 September, 2019. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for further interview to be held at IIFM Bhopal. No TA/DA will be given for attending the interview and candidates should make their own arrangements for travel and boarding.
Candidates may please note that this is a project related position purely on contract basis for the duration mentioned above and have nothing to do with permanent establishment of IFM.
Chief Administrative Officer
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