Bhopal Commissioner inaugurates the Book Bank Theory at NID MP

Bhopal. The newly constructed Book Bank Theory (Library) of National Institute of Design was inaugurated by Smt. Kalpana Shrivastava, IAS, Divisional Commissioner, Bhopal.

The Library is equipped with a good collection of  books ranging from Design & Art, Culture, History, Fiction etc . The Library is also equipped with state of the art latest gadgets including workstations and computers with internet connectivity for use by students and employees of the institute. Dr Sudeep Sharma, Head Librarian  briefed about the Library to the Chief Guest that Library is fully computerized and centrally air conditioned, having good collection of printed and e -resources including audio – visual material in all the disciplines of design and technology and also briefed about institutional repository and IT enabled library services offered to all NID MP community.

He also highlighted the future roadmap for developing a resource centre and steps initiated for turning this library into one of the finest and most resourceful libraries in Bhopal. Prof Dhiraj Kumar, during the welcome speech, apprised about the mission of the institute and also highlighted the future initiatives such as roadshows, partnership with industries and creating an ecosystem for boosting industrial growth with design education in the state.

While addressing the students and employees during the event, Smt Shrivastava appreciated the campus maintained in such an impressive and aesthetic manner which is worth visiting. She lauded the efforts made by the institute in keeping the campus clean and green despite challenges like paucity of water due to rocky terrain. Students expressed their intent to contribute towards green drive outside the NID Campus if given an opportunity. The faculty members also offered to be a part in making Bhopal a hub of culture and heritage with their innovative ideas. The suggestions were welcomed by the dignitary and suggested to send a concept note on the innovative ideas with which the cultural heritage and greenery of Bhopal can be preserved and augmented. Smt. Shrivastava visited Workshops, Auditorium and other parts of the campus and was briefed on current status of ongoing activities by the Director NID Madhya Pradesh.

During the interaction session with the students she emphasised on the need to optimally use the library facility as a temple of learning and fulfil their academic aspirations.  She urged the faculty and students to work hard to make NID Madhya Pradesh as one of the most sought after NIDs in India.

She also participated in Green Drive by planting a sapling and congratulated all the students and staff of NID Madhya Pradesh for keeping the campus clean and green. A memento was presented to him by the Director NID MP on this occasion. 

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