NCB competition for MPCG students/youths

Indore. The Narcotics Control Bureau, Indore has invited online entries from all students/youths/other persons from Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh States for an Anti-Drugs slogan writing competition, Compose song and record music video competition in Hindi/English language and Drawing /painting competition.

The theme of the competition is ‘Say no to drugs and yes to life,’ informed by a letter from the NCB. The best 10 entries will be selected by the Selection Committee and prizes and certificates will be awarded to the top 10 entries/candidates.

Entries are invited latest by 12:00 pm of June 12, 2020. Online entries are to be sent to Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) Indore Zonal Unit at The results of the competition will be announced on June 23. Prizes and certificates will be distributed on June 26, International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

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