Indian states name full form short form

Andhra Pradesh- AP
Arunachal Pradesh- AR
Assam- AS
Bihar- BR
Chhattisgarh- CG
Goa- GA
Gujarat GJ
Haryana- HR
Himachal Pradesh- HP
Jammu and Kashmir- JK
Jharkhand- JH
Karnataka- KA
Kerala- KL
Madhya Pradesh- MP
Maharashtra- MH
Manipur- MN
Meghalaya- ML
Mizoram- MZ
Nagaland- NL
Orissa- OR
Punjab- PB
Rajasthan- RJ
Sikkim- SK
Tamil Nadu- TN
Tripura- TR
Uttarakhand- UK
Uttar Pradesh- UP
West Bengal- WB
Tamil Nadu- TN
Tripura- TR
Andaman and Nicobar Islands- AN
Chandigarh- CH
Dadra and Nagar Haveli- DH
Daman and Diu- DD
Delhi- DL
Lakshadweep- LD
Pondicherry- PY 

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