AMMA e-service of Land Records by NIC eGov Mobile Apps

Citizens can view the following e-services of Land Records in this Android based Mobile Application.

1. A-Register
The citizens by entering the name of District, Taluk, Village, Survey No. and Sub-division No. details can view the entire 12 columns available in the ‘A’ Register viz., Survey No., Land type, Soil, Sort, Rate per hectare, irrigation source extent of the Sub-division, assessment and Patta No. and name of the pattadhar and remarks. Citizens can instantly view and verify all the above fields.

2. Chitta
The citizens can view the name of the pattadhar(s) by entering Patta no. (or) its Survey No. and Sub-division No., at the end of the Pattadhar’s name, a link “Touch here for pdf” is given, upon clicking it the individual can view the pdf format of the Chitta.

3. Application Status
This facility is given as a third tab in the mobile application, here the citizens can view the current status of Patta Transfer application status by entering the application number. The citizens can view the designation of the official with whom and from when the application is pending.

4. Type of Land
The citizens by entering the name of District, Taluk, Village, Survey No. and Sub-division No. details, can view the type of the land, whether it is ‘Private’ or Poramboke’ land. By using this tab, the individual can know the ‘type of land’, which is just a click away, unlike previously where the individuals have to walk to either Taluk office or to the Village Administrative officer. Click to Download AMMA e-service of Land Records Mobile App

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