Know the Details of Pre-existing Disease Cover in Health Insurance

To maintain good health throughout your life, it is important to look after it and nurture it well by giving it the best treatments and attention possible. There are various factors like hereditary diseases and lifestyle problems that can lead to the deterioration of our health at any point of time in our lives.

Problems like sudden diseases that can occur at any time take us by surprise and there can be no telling what the future brings. But for those with pre-existing medical conditions, it is important to plan ahead to avoid any problems that you may face medically and financially in the later years. To avoid living life in uncertainty, the best idea is to buy a pre existing disease cover health insurance plan to protect you from any future mishaps.

In order to understand more about the pre existing disease cover health insurance, it is essential to know the details of these health insurance plans. If you are looking for the best pre existing disease coverage health insurance, read on.

Things To Remember Before Buying Pre Existing Disease Cover Health Insurance

1. Identify YourPre Existing Medical Conditions
Before buying a pre existing disease cover health insurance policy, it is important to know and understand which ailments and illnesses can be a potential pre existing disease. To know this, it is essential to know more about your existing medical conditions.

2. Disclose All Necessary Information
When buying a pre existing disease coverage health insurance, it is necessary to disclose all prior information in regard with your health to the insurance provider. This can help you avoid the possibility of your claim getting rejected in the time of a medical emergency if any information is uncovered which was not mentioned beforehand.

3. Medical Check Up
In some cases, when you buy a pre existing disease coverage health insurance, you may have to undergo a pre policy medical check up for the underwriter to know and understand more about your specific ailment more accurately.

4. Waiting Period
All policies for pre existing disease coverage health insurance come with a waiting period of mostly two years/48 months. It is important for you to find a plan with the least waiting period so that you can claim the sum for your pre existing ailments at the earliest.

5. Premium Amount
The premium amount for pre existing disease coverage health insurance is mostly likely on the higher side. It is designed in this way as the insurer is also taking upon the risk of treating a pre existingmedical condition.

6. All Illnesses Are Not Pre Existing Diseases
When opting for a pre existing disease coverage health insurance, it is essential to know that all hospital visits and small cough or cold in your lifespan cannot be justified as a pre existing disease. There is a certified list of pre existing diseases that qualify in the bracket as only those illnesses are covered which have hampered the health of the policy holder for a long duration.IRDAI also has a specific definition for pre-existing diseases to standardize the insurance coverage.

7. All Policies Differ From One Another
When you are buying a pre existing disease coverage health insurance, remember that all health insurance policies and the terms and conditions attached to them with reference to pre existing diseases are completely different. It is essential to be aware of the different waiting periods and list of diseases that are covered in various policies to make the best possible decision for yourself.

There are many things to keep in mind when you are planning to opt for an extensive pre existing disease coverage health insurance. It is best to explore all insurance companies and select the best insurers to find the perfect health insurance plan for you. Trusted insurers like Care Insurance offer great health insurance packages with the least waiting period for pre existing diseases to match your needs perfectly.

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