CM Sir, risking their lives is not worth, please postpone offline EXAM- khula Khat

CM Sir
, as per the order issued by the ministry of Higher Education- no 908/cc 227/2021/38 on the date of 26-11-2021, for the reopening of colleges and universities (gov & private) The colleges in the state of Madhya Pradesh issued an impromptu notice for the mandatory offline classes as well as the offline exams, in the time of less than two weeks, which indeed faced a lot resistance from students as well as the concerned parents and guardians, due to the current covid situations in the state itself. Sir here as the main element of this whole scenario, we students on the whole have a few questions to which we demand justified answers and the solutions too. 

1. Firstly, it's absolutely disturbing for parents and students themselves to see how least concerned are the universities and colleges for their very own students who are not just the local residents but children from all over the country. Sir as we all know that the students who are residing on campus will have to share not only their rooms with other students who would be joining the campus through railways/roadways from different cities but also the common washrooms, common mess which altogether INCREASES the chance of a widespread infection. 

The families who have been through a lot, who've lost one person or many during the last wave of this pandemic in the summers have still not processed the loss they faced and now this new sudden outbreak has proven to be even more horrifying for them, the PTSD of last summer has crept inside and in no way they are willing to risk the lives of their kids & kins. 

Will the state as well as the universities be ready to take the ABSOLUTE (100%) responsibility of every student who will be attending the classes or will be taking the examinations PHYSICALLY? If this could be answered it will help the students as well as the parents. 

2. Secondly As per the latest statistics there has been a recent upsurge in the covid cases at an obnoxious rate, which is alarming for the state. In such a condition people should avoid large gatherings and especially TRAVELLING interstate which was also being requested by our hon'ble Prime Minister himself throughout the year as precautionary measure, just because the universities assume that 90% of their lot is vaccinated doesn't mean it actually is. We want you to know that there are no safety as well as precautionary measures taken by the colleges. 

3. There is no after travel 14 days isolation policy followed by any college. There is no Regular RT PCR checkup booth in any of the colleges to keep a check on the infection and as you are already aware that each RTPCR test holds the validity for only 3 days. 

4. Students from all over the country will be coming over to ONE exam hall/campus/mess/washroom will only raise the chances of infection, 

5. The Parents / Guardians of the students do NOT consent for the offline classes or examination Presently due to the sharp rise in the cases as well as the New Variant of the virus that is OMICRON, the parents as well as students are NOT denying the offline examinations or offline campus, they are denying it in the present situation. 

6. As mentioned above students as well as parents are not denying the offline examinations but they are simply asking either for POSTPONEMENT of the offline examination or for the ONLINE examinations, because risking their lives is not worth the mistake that is being made by the universities and colleges. 

We hope you will look into this matter and will take the right step as soon as possible.
With regards, 

इससे पूर्व प्रकाशित हुए खुले खत पढ़ने के लिए कृपया Khula Khat पर क्लिक करें. खुला खत एक ओपन प्लेटफार्म है। यहां मध्य प्रदेश के सभी जागरूक नागरिक सरकारी नीतियों की समीक्षा करते हैं। सुझाव देते हैं एवं समस्याओं की जानकारी देते हैं। यदि आपके पास भी है कुछ ऐसा जो मध्य प्रदेश के हित में हो, तो कृपया लिख भेजिए हमारा ई-पता है:-

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