UGC-NET Exam Phase 2 Admit Cards Release

Release of Admit Cards of UGC-NET December 2020 and June 2021 Examination for Phase II

In continuation to the Public Notice dated 18.12.2021 regarding Date wise Subject wise Schedule for UGC-NET December 2020 and June 2021 Examination for Phase II, the Admit cards for the candidates appearing in the following subjects scheduled from Day 1 to Day 3 of Phase II are being displayed today.

Day 1 (24.12.2021, Friday)
Subject Name Exam Date Shift
Bengali (Group-1) 24-Dec-21 Shift 1
Bengali (Group-2) 24-Dec-21 Shift 2

Day 2 (26.12.2021, Sunday)
Subject Name Exam Date Shift
Kannada 26-Dec-21 Shift 1
Hindi (Group-1) 26-Dec-21 Shift 1
Hindi (Group-2) 26-Dec-21 Shift 2

Day 3 (27.12.2021, Monday)
Subject Name Exam Date Shift
Sanskrit 27-Dec-21 Shift 1
Home Science 27-Dec-21 Shift 2

The notification regarding downloading of remaining Admit Cards will be displayed on NTA website(s), soon. The candidates are advised to regularly visit the official website of NTA ( and ( for latest updates. For any query /clarification, candidates may call the NTA Help Desk at 011-40759000 or write to NTA at उच्च शिक्षा, सरकारी और प्राइवेट नौकरी एवं करियर से जुड़ी खबरों और अपडेट के लिए कृपया MP Career News पर क्लिक करें.

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