SSC exam calendar 2023-24, कर्मचारी चयन आयोग का परीक्षा कैलेंडर 2023-24 जारी

Staff Selection Commission, Government of India द्वारा Tentative calender of examinations for the year 2023-24 जारी कर दिया गया है। कैंडीडेट्स ऑफिशल वेबसाइट पर विजिट कर सकते हैं। 

SSC परीक्षा कैलेंडर 2023

Constable GD in Central Armed Police Force- january February 2023 
Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2022- March 2023 
Multi tasking non technical staff and hawaldar examination 2022- 2 April 2023 
Selection post examination Phase-6 2023- may June 2023 
Combined Graduate Level Examination 2023- june July 2023 
Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2023- july August 2023 
Multi tasking non technical staff and havildar- august September 2023
Sub inspector in Delhi Police central Armed Police Force examination october 2023 
Junior Engineer Civil mechanical Electrical and quantity surveying and contracts examination october 2023 
Stenographer grade c and d examination october November 2023 
Junior Hindi translator junior translator and senior Hindi translator examination october November 2023 
Central Secretariat assistance grade Limited departmental competitive examination 2014-2017 - december 2023 and January 2024 

SSC exam calendar 2023-24

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